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She noted that there had been nothing to celebrate how far women have come in a traditionally male-dominated profession. As a pharmacist and mom, Dr. Soliman found that to be inspiring and therefore chose October 12. During World War II, a temporary increase of woman in the profession occurred as men were not as available. Why did we see this shift?

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Many women who liked science and math wanted to use their knowledge help others, therefore a career in healthcare provided opportunity along with a good salary and job security. She speculated that the numbers will stay where they are as there are more women in the workforce in general.

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Dr Euler also mentioned that although where Can I Buy Professional Cialis In Canada are many more women in pharmacy, top corporate and academic positions are still mostly men. Therefore, the pharmacy profession looks very much like the workforce as a whole. Soliman sent a petition explaining the importance of the day to the National Day Calendar along with her article that was published recently in Pharmacy Times.